Neptune and Poseidon's Symbol
Poseidon (Neptune)
On a Greek's mythology, Poseidon is the goddess of the sea or the ruler of the sea. He is the brother of Hades (god of underworld) and Zeus (god of sky). He is also the god of horses and the god of earthquakes. The symbol of Poseidon was his three-pronged fish spear, because he always hold the fish spear in his hand. He lived on the ocean floor in a palace made of coral and gems, and drove a chariot that pulled by horses.
When he's on a good mood, Poseidon will created new lands in the water and a calm sea. In contrast, when he was on a bad mood, Poseidon would strike the ground with a trident and cause unruly springs and earthquakes, shipwrecks, and drownings. Poseidon was similar to his brother, Zeus in exerting his power on women and in objectifying masculinity. He had many love affairs and fathered numerous children.

This is a picture of Poseidon Statue
He has some famous child, also names of some astrologies, and things in the sky. Some of his children are:
- Euryale (Orion)
- Medusa(Pegasus, Chrysaor)
- Amphitrite (Rhode, Triton)
Sel, kurang seru gambarnya... cari yang lebih matepp lagi dong.. XP :)
yaeyalah ka..
kalo otaknya model" otak lo yang SUPER NGERES, yang beginian sih GAK ADA APA"NYA!
Nyahahahahah, ayo ding berani sel, hahahahahaha.... kyak Aphrodite.. tuh dia ........ :)
Sori2 salah ngetik... RALAT.. "Matepp" Jadi Mantepp.. "ding" jadi Dong,, hahahaha
sorry for the bad quality of pictures.. huahahahahhaha XD
thanks for recognizing ;)
yaelah, di summer breeze mah, Rion ganteng!
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